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Allen & Katie Beardmore


The Lord saved both Allen and Katie in childhood and has blessed them over the years with godly pastors who have faithfully shepherded them in their Christian walk. The Lord has also blessed them with four wonderful children: Ethan, Thomas, Abigail and Logan.


They are currently involved in planting a reformed Baptist church in Perth Australia. So far, the Lord has blessed the preaching of Christ’s word and the fellowship contains over ten families who have committed to the work. The aim of this work is to establish a self-governing, self-supporting and self-propagating church so that Christ’s kingdom may grow in Western Australia and beyond. To that end, on Sunday mornings Allen has been preaching through the gospel of Matthew interspersed with evangelistic messages from the Old Testament. In addition, the 2nd London Baptist Confession of Faith is being studied as the doctrinal foundation of the newly forming church. Please be in prayer that Jesus, as the Head of his church, would save the lost, raise up new leaders and unite the fellowship of the saints in the bonds of truth and peace.


Letter of Commendation from Allen's sending church, First Baptist Church of Clinton, LA

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